Spring Speaker Series at Milepost 31

Milepost 31 celebrates the people and projects that shaped Pioneer Square and provides an inside look at the SR 99 Tunnel Project. Learn more about the project from experts in the field at the speaker series.


211 First Avenue South

Free admission

First Thursdays


May 3 – Tunneling in Seattle

A History of Innovation

Robert “Red” Robinson, Senior Vice President of Shannon & Wilson, Inc. – a Seattle-based geotechnical and environmental consulting firm

6 to 6:30 p.m.

Did you know there are more than 100 tunnels beneath Seattle? Join us for a virtual tour exploring the train, sewer, utility and transit tunnels built during the past century and learn how tunneling technology has advanced from hand tools to sophisticated boring machines.

June 7 – Meet the Tunnel Boring Machine

Replacement Program

Chris Bambridge, Tunnel Design Engineer for the Alaskan Way Viaduct

6 to 6:30 p.m.

What’s as long as a ferry, five stories tall and weighs 5,500 tons? The SR 99 tunnel boring machine! We’ll show you how this custom-designed machine will grind through rocks and remove more than 800,000 cubic tons of soil as it builds the SR 99 tunnel beneath downtown.


View full color flyer (PDF): MP31 Speaker Series

Promote Your Neighborhood!

The Metropolitan Improvement District (MID) invites you to help shape Pioneer Square’s marketing efforts while meeting your neighbors! Join us at this twice-yearly community event for light breakfast, lunch or appetizers, updates on this year’s summer plans and some lively discussion on Downtown Seattle’s holiday marketing campaign, neighborhood-specific summer promotions and on-going neighborhood marketing efforts!

April 17, 2012
8:00 – 9:30 a.m. (Discussion begins at 8:30)
Caffe Umbria
320 Occidental Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98104

PLEASE RSVP to Chelsea Asplund at 206-613-3247 or ChelseaA[at]DowntownSeattle.org.

For other neighborhood promotion meetings, see the Promote Your Neighborhood flyer (PDF).

Promote Your Neighborhood (PDF)

Ride Free Area Update

From King County Metro:

In March, Metro Transit invited the community and stakeholders to comment on its implementation plan to end the Ride Free Area in downtown Seattle and transition to a pay-on-entry system.  These changes are scheduled to begin Sept. 29.

To date, we have received more than 400 comments by email, regular mail, phone, or online. Comments are still coming in, and we’d like to extend the deadline to Friday, April 13 to give everyone time to send in feedback on the options being considered for the implementation plan. These options address transit operations, customer communications, and mitigation for bus riders with little or no income. An outline of the options can be found in the attached PDF labeled “brochure.”

Comments can be submitted online: http://metro.kingcounty.gov/tops/bus/ride-free-area/changes.html

By phone: 206-296-7643 (English); 206-263-9988 (Spanish); or 206-263-9674 (Vietnamese)

By email: community.relations[at]kingcounty.gov

By regular mail: King County Department of Transportation Communications, 201 S. Jackson St., KSC-TR-0824, Seattle, WA 98104