Work begins in May to resurface two Pioneer Square alleys. Pioneer Square’s alleys are more walkable and inviting due to the collective efforts of art and lighting installation, resident stewardship, businesses opening and building façade improvements. In 2013, the International Sustainability Institute received a Department of Neighborhoods matching grant to redesign two alleys with a surface design acceptable to the Preservation Board, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), utilities, residents and businesses. Before completing the design, ISI partnered with the Alliance and Seattle Chinatown International District Public Development Authority (SCIDPDA) to secure funding for three alleys – Canton Alley, Pioneer Passage and Nord Alley.
Nord Alley lies to the south of Occidental Park, between 1st Avenue S and Occidental. The alley connects Main Street to the new streetcar on Jackson. North of the park, Pioneer Passage runs from Washington to Yesler. These alleys feature shops, restaurants, event spaces and beautification efforts. If you’ve ever been Casco Antiguo’s back patio, you’ve traveled through Pioneer Passage.
The work is divided into two phases: utility upgrades & resurfacing. First, Seattle City Light will dig a trench through Nord Alley to upgrade the aging electrical network (approximately May – June). At the same time, several private properties will upgrade utilities. Once completed, utility work will shift to Pioneer Passage (approximately July-Aug). In the second phase (fall 2016), SDOT will upgrade stormwater systems and resurface the alleys with a Pioneer Square Preservation Board-approved brick pattern. The refinished alleys will provide much-needed utility upgrades and inviting, accessible alleys.
Funding is possible through a federal Transportation Alternatives Grant, Office of Economic Development, Seattle City Light and CenturyLink. We are working closely with the city to collaborate outreach and provide communication throughout the length of the project. For any questions, please contact liz@pioneersquare.org. More information. https://allianceforpioneersquare.org/what-we-do/public-realm/alley-activation/alley-designs/