“A New Life for Urban Alleys” Pioneer Square alley activation featured in the The Atlantic’s City Lab along with alleys around country (7/14/16)
Alley Network Project wins the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development
Innovation of the Day! (2015) Find out more….
“How Seattle Made Dark Alley Safer – By Thowing Parties in Them” YES! Magazine article chronically alley revitalization in Pioneer Square (8/25/15)
“Thousands in US Turn Out to Watch World Cup Match” UK Daily Mail article World Cup 2014 (6/26/14)
”A Meeting In An Unlikely Place” Choreographic dance performance, performed by Benjamis Maestas, Doug Arnery (2013)
“Naming Pioneer Square’s Alleys” Crosscut article on naming alleys (12/12/11)
“Transforming Urban Alleys into Great Urban Spaces” SmartPlanet article on transforming alleys in Seattle (8/30/11)
“Alley, Alley, in Come Free” Sightline Daily photo essay on activating alleys; featuring projects in Vancouver BC, San Francisco, Seattle, and Melbourne (8/26/2011)
“Tapping the Potential of Our Alleyways” Seattle DJC article from Daniel Toole about his research travelling alleys of the world (7/28/11)
“Seattle’s World Cup Alley Popular Among Locals” MLS article, Nord Alley 2010 World Cup viewings (6/21/10)
“Downtown Alley Leaves Dark Days Behind, Welcomes Pedestrians” Sketch of Nord Alley from the Seattle Sketcher, Gabriel Campanario (2/25/10)
“Seattle Alley’s Getting a Face-Lift” Seattle Times article on alley revitalization efforts in Seattle (7/9/15)
Chinatown Historic Alley Project The Historic Alley Project is a community effort to bring life back into Canton and Maynard Alleys in Seattle’s Chinatown International District. The community has come together and identified physical improvements including lighting, paving, landscaping and public arts, that can transform the alleys into clean, safe, and fun places for residents, businesses, and pedestrians.
Seattle Clear Alleys Program Piloted in Seattle’s Pioneer Square to reduce dumpsters in alleys.
Seattle Integrated Alley Handbook University of Washington MLA students Jenny Hampton and Mary Fialko evaluated Seattle’s alley to assess their potential in having a more active role in the urban landscape. The students evaluated the built environment, potential biodiversity and ecosystem capacity and public life connections for alleys in 6 neighborhood case studies.
Alleys of Seattle Blog Chronicles Daniel Toole’s study of alleys around the world; Detroit, Chicago, Seattle, Japan, Melbourne, San Francisco, Sydney, and Mount Vernon.
Around the US & the World
Living Alley Toolkit A resource to implement living alleys in the SF Market Octavia area; developed by the City of San Francisco Planning Department City Design Group.
Chicago’s Green Alley Program Initiative by the City of Chicago to “green Chicago’s alley with environmentally friendly stormwater treatment features, permeable paving, and light fixtures to reduce light pollution. Over 100 projects have been installed since 2006.
Fort Collins Downtown Alley Enhancement Project Master Plan and Pilot Project to redesign three downtown alleys in Fort Collins.
Laneways of Vancouver Vancouver, BC laneway activation featured on the Project for Public Spaces website.
Spring in Our Steps A consortium of committed Cincinnati residents, who feel that forgotten pedestrian spaces can become some of the city’s best assets. The group initiates community-oriented projects in Cincinnati’s alleyways and city steps, as well as its most neglected sidewalks.
Sydney Laneway Revitalisation City of Sydney strategy for breathing life back into under-used spaces: business development, art installation, paving and lighting treatments, etc.
Melbourne: A Case Study in the Revitalization of City Laneways (part 1) In depth article explores Melbourne’s success in transforming alleyways and offers lessons for Seattle’s potential … (part 2) (September 2015)