Our Office Manager Nikki Somers brings organization and order to our team. Nikki manages our data, information, and financial systems.
April is a month of changes for both Nikki and for the Alliance for Pioneer Square. Nikki has accepted an opportunity in Mountlake Terrace and will be leaving at the end of this April. During her time in Pioneer Square, she has had the opportunity to deeply engage with the neighborhood- its businesses, residents, and events.
The Alliance for Pioneer Square team is elated for Nikki and her opportunity to develop her professional career. We and our entire community will certainly miss her presence in the neighborhood.
- Reflecting on the past years, what has this time with the Alliance and neighborhood meant to you? What are some of your fondest memories?
Pioneer Square has always been my favorite neighborhood, since my move to Seattle in 1989. So when I got the opportunity to work down here, close to 16 years ago, I jumped at it! When this position at the Alliance for Pioneer Square came along 7 years ago, it was kind of a no-brainer for me, I had worked with the Alliance staff previously and this was my opportunity to stay in Pioneer Square.
To be part of such a vibrant and fun part of the city for so many years has been uniquely special. There are so many times when I look back and think, ‘wow, I can’t believe we got to do that’. I’ll never forget how our headline making world cup viewing party in 2014 brought in over 450 people to watch soccer in Nord Alley, the most I’d ever seen in an alley in Seattle at one time.
Personally, getting to know and work with so many amazing people and the different businesses in our district has been the best part of it all. Walking to the office each morning, greeting neighbors and getting to chat with business owners in the neighborhood is one thing I will always look back on with fond memories.
- Over the years you have gotten to work on different projects and meet so many individuals in the neighborhood. What are you proud to have worked on or been part of during this time? What are you going to miss?
The thing I am most proud of being involved in is the work we did to activate the alleys. It was an amazing effort, showcasing how this space had great potential beyond just garbage collection and a step towards changing the collective perception of folks who work, live and visit Pioneer Square.
Overtime we were able to get the alleys’ paved, put in new light fixtures which improved safety, install some public art and overall make the alleyways more inviting and welcoming to all. Now, on any given day, you will see photoshoots taking place in the alley and pictures of people enjoying this space. Being able to collaborate with neighbors to make that happen is something to be proud of.
Doing our annual holiday event was a lot of fun, from the first Howlidays, which was super generic, to the costume contests as well as partnering with PAWS Cat City to facilitate pet adoptions. Certainly going to miss putting that together and working with this team.
- Now as a visitor, where might one still catch you around the square?
There’s quite a number of spots in the neighborhood I look forward to still visiting and enjoying including Bad Bishop Bar, Pioneer Square D&E, Cherry Street Coffee House and others, so that’s where folks will probably run into me when I’m in Pioneer Square. I also look forward to the new experience of signing-up and participating in the different neighborhood volunteer events throughout the year as a visitor.
Overall, I cannot wait to see the different changes that the neighborhood is yet to go through. Change isn’t necessarily a bad thing and I can’t wait to experience all the upcoming new things in Pioneer Square. Hopefully this includes a dog park.
And lastly, any parting words for the Pioneer Square community at large?
I’m definitely going to miss being in Pioneer Square, there’s no doubt about that. Everyone I’ve had the privilege of working with over the years has certainly had an impact on me and my only hope is that I had a positive impact on the community as well.
Even though I won’t be seeing folks every day, I won’t forget all the support, love and wonderful memories from 16 awesome years in this neighborhood. As bittersweet as it is to leave the Alliance, I hope we can still share a laugh and a quick chat soon. See you around the square!