Pioneer Square 1st Ave Medians Clean Up Event- Thank You Volunteers.

This past weekend, 30 volunteers, Alliance for Pioneer Square staff and a work crew from SDOT Urban Forestry participated in a neighborhood clean up event on the First Avenue South medians. Volunteers worked all morning and into the afternoon to improve landscaping in the medians. The group successfully cleared 4 truckloads of debris, put down 34 cubic yards of mulch, and planted approximately 1,600 daffodil bulbs.

A big THANK YOU to all the neighborhood volunteers for their hard work and for spending their Saturday making some much needed physical improvements to Pioneer Square. A special thank you to our city partners and the team at SDOT Urban Forestry for making this event possible. We couldn’t have done it without your help closing 1st Ave, providing work supplies, tools, and a crew in support of the event.

This event would not have been the success it was and we most certainly could not have done it without the help of everyone who signed up to make it happen.