Monthly Staff Feature: Sara Pizzo, Alliance for Pioneer Square Public Realm Manager

Sara tackles projects that improves the streets, parks, and public spaces. She diligently works to enhance the streetscape, coordinate construction, and manage parking, along with anything else that is needed.

We caught up with Sara just in time for the holidays to hear more about the exciting plans for our public realm this season.

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Monthly Staff Feature: Jessa Timmer, Alliance for Pioneer Square Deputy Director

A lot has happened since we last spoke, talk us through some of what you’ve been up to during this time.

We’ve had quite the eventful year in Pioneer Square. In the last 9 months, I’ve been supporting a planning project called the Northeast Pioneer Square Framework Plan. We’ve worked with our consultants, MIG SVR and Broadview Planning, to put together a 20-person steering committee that includes government agencies, property owners, residents, business owners, and service providers to guide the work. So far the committee has met three times and has one final meeting before the framework plan is finalized. While a progress report will be released to wrap up 2021, this document will serve to guide the next 10 years of development in the area,  meaning this work will be far from over. It feels good to see the work that came out of the Parks and Gateways plan finally coming to life. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to check it out on our site

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Monthly Staff Feature: Lisa Howard, Alliance for Pioneer Square ED

In her role as Executive Director of the Alliance, Lisa uses her strong relationships with city leaders and key organizations to advocate for the neighborhood and the issues that impact Pioneer Square at the city, county, and state levels.

This month, we discuss how 2021 is going, opportunities on the horizon and Lisa’s view and vision for recovery going forward

Earlier this year, you said recovery wasn’t going to be linear, that there would be ups and downs, good days and bad. How are things going so far?

Looking around, I see so many great things happening in Pioneer Square. Pioneer Square is doing what it does best – remaining authentic through it all. The good days have been many and the bad days tend to hit hard. A couple weeks ago over 30 volunteers came down to work with the Alliance and Seattle Department of Transportation to weed and mulch the First Ave S medians. It was such a fun event and really proved that even if recovery has its ups and downs, there are people that care enough to keep showing up. 

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