Monthly Staff Feature: Sara Pizzo, Public Realm Manger

Sara tackles projects that improves the streets, parks, and public spaces. She diligently works to enhance the streetscape, coordinate construction, and manage parking, along with anything else that is needed. Her efforts make the neighborhood a safer and cleaner place for everyone to enjoy and for businesses to thrive.  She enjoys connecting with the community and building relationships. Recently, Sara shared her perspectives on public realm management during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Monthly Staff Feature: Karen True, Alliance For Pioneer Square Economic Development Director

Karen True is the driving force behind the Alliance for Pioneer Square’s economic development efforts. The era of COVID-19 has not only redefined her role in many ways, it also emphasized how important sustained and progressive economic vitality is for our entire community.  

As part of our monthly staff feature, we asked Karen to describe the overall impact that the pandemic has had on the business community in Pioneer Square and to provide an outlook on the year ahead.

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