Pioneer Square: Issues and Ideas

In April 2019, the Alliance for Pioneer Square contracted with PlaceEconomics to produce a report outlining the issues facing Pioneer Square’s urban environment and propose ideas that may be useful in responding to the issue identified. The report was funded by “Only in Seattle” grant from the City of Seattle Office of Economic Development to bring in Donovan Rypkema and Briana Grosicki from PlaceEconomics to talk to stakeholders, assess and articulate the issues, and offer ideas about possible next steps. PlaceEconomics are renowned experts in historic preservation and economics. Stakeholders included Alliance staff and board members, historic preservation experts, City staff, residents, developers, and property owners. The rehabilitation of historic buildings in Pioneer Square remains a challenging issue in our neighborhood. With successful renovations complete or underway in some buildings, others stand vacant as examples of “demolition by neglect”. We are committed to moving this work forward and it will be part of our strategic plan.

Read the report here.

Public Realm Perspective

Meet Sara:

Sara Pizzo, Public Realm Manager, tackles projects that improves the streets, parks, and public spaces. She diligently works to enhance the streetscape and coordinate construction along with anything else that is needed. Her efforts make the neighborhood a safer and cleaner place for everyone to enjoy and for businesses to thrive.  She enjoys connecting with the community and building relationships.

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