Marketing and Communications Mindset

Meet Chris

Chris Woodward is the newest staff member of the Alliance for Pioneer Square. He adds to the organization a diverse skill set including marketing and communication strategy development, social media community management, and project management. As Marketing Manager, Chris helms the Alliance for Pioneer Square’s social media, email communications, website management, amongst other duties.

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Public Realm Perspective

Meet Liz:

Pioneer Square has an unprecedented number of projects impacting the public realm: reclaiming alleys, redesigning streets and parks, fixing curbs and medians, waterfront, parking, and bike lanes. All this and more are all-in-a-day’s work for Liz Stenning, our Public Realm Director. A friendly and familiar face in the neighborhood, Liz is all about ongoing improvements to our public realm from curb cuts to crosswalks.

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Karen’s Corner

Meet Karen:

Karen True is the Director of Business Development for the Alliance for Pioneer Square. In our neighborhood, her approach to business development is the secret sauce. Part retail recruitment, part matchmaker, full-time community builder.

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