Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program Construction Update – March 2013

Sky cam view of the tunnel boring machine launch pitMilepost 31 Speaker Series – Preparing for the SR 99 tunneling machine’s arrival

 Bertha, the world’s largest-diameter tunnel boring machine, is being shipped from Japan to Seattle this spring. Before she arrives, join us for an engaging discussion about how crews will transport her 40-some pieces from a ship at the Port of Seattle to the 80-foot-deep pit to the west of the stadiums where she’ll begin tunneling this summer. You’ll also get a sneak peek at the support facilities we’re building near the launch pit, including a soil-removing conveyor belt that will stretch a whopping two miles by the end of construction.

 6 to 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, March 7

Milepost 31

211 First Ave. S., Seattle

Admission is free.

 After the talk, be sure to leave enough time to explore the rest of the First Thursday Art Walk in Pioneer Square. Milepost 31 is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and stays open until 8 p.m. on First Thursdays.  Free parking is available for First Thursday art walk patrons in Pioneer Square. Please visit for more information about participating garages.

And don’t forget you can track Bertha’s journey to Seattle on Twitter by following @BerthaDigsSR99.


Archaeology and the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program

Kevin Bartoy, Cultural Resources Lead for the Washington State Department of Transportation, recently led a discussion at the Museum of History and Industry’s History Café lecture series. Kevin described how state projects must consider cultural resources and some of the mitigation strategies developed as part of the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program. Kevin went on to discuss the history of Pioneer Square and SODO, focusing on the changing coastline, historical development and the diversity of uses over time.

To dig into the history of the area and discover how Pioneer Square continues to be a hub of transportation and extreme engineering, visit the project information, Milepost 31, at 211 First Ave. S. A video of Kevin’s lecture is also available on the KCTS website.

For more information about the SR 99 Tunnel Project, visit

Promote the Arrival of Bertha the Tunnel Boring Machine

BerthaVia WSDOT:


Hello Waterfront and Pioneer Square neighbors,

I’m sure you’ve all noticed the extensive launch pit construction near CenturyLink Field in preparation for the arrival of Bertha, our massive SR 99 tunnel boring machine. Early this spring, Bertha will make a big splash in Elliott Bay as she travels from Japan to Terminal 46. Once in port, crews will take Bertha off the barge, piece by piece, and rebuild her in the launch pit. Many of you will have a great view of this exciting event!

We think this is a great opportunity for your business (or a group of businesses) to design a promotion in celebration of Bertha’s arrival. Think of the themed happy hours, signature menu items or beverages, informative cruise trips, Great Wheel rides and fun specials you could offer, all inviting customers to your place for an exclusive look at Bertha. We will be using social media and other networks to get the word out about Bertha’s arrival and we encourage you to do the same. If you would like to talk more about promotional ideas and opportunities, we’d be happy to help brainstorm or discuss potential partnership opportunities you could market to your customers.

To see this opportunity in action, check out how Tacoma businesses are celebrating tomorrow’s reopening of the Murray Morgan Bridge with discounts and specials. Note their creativity with the number 11 (Murray Morgan is also known as the 11th Street Bridge) and asking customers to say “I love the Murray Morgan Bridge” to redeem specials.

We’ll follow up with you in the next week or two, but in the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact Kerston Swartz (206-805-2875, with any questions.

For current program information, visit

Embassy Suites Hotel at Stadium Place

Stadium Place developers have recently announced the addition of Embassy Suites Hotel to the former North Lot site. Watch the video above for lovely views and conceptual designs of the new hotel coming to Pioneer Square.

The hotel is currently under construction in the former “North Lot” parking lot of Century Link Field Stadium. At 23 stories high with 297 rooms, the hotel rounds out a truly mixed-use neighborhood project that includes office space, apartment living, and restaurants. Visitors to Stadium Place can enjoy all these amenities and more, as its Pioneer Square location lends the advantage of being in Seattle’s transit hub: Ease of access to ferry, bus tunnel, and trains.

Stay tuned for more news of exciting activity in Pioneer Square and take a look at Karen True’s recent community and business development update.