Courtesy of Seattle Municipal Archives, item No. 43539
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The Pioneer Square Business Improvement Area (BIA) granted a total of $10,000 in matches to support two projects in 2018. This year, the BIA increased the fund to $20,000, matching volunteer hours and/or funding, for community members to implement projects and programs making a positive impact in the Pioneer Square neighborhood. Project goals include celebrating neighborhood diversity, enhancing public spaces, and neighborhood storytelling. The BIA encourages applicants to propose their best and most creative ideas. Potential projects might include work around murals, art, alleys, public area improvements, cleanup, experiences, or events. Think big! Think outside the box!
Continue reading “2019 Inspiration Fund Application Period Now Open”The Alliance for Pioneer Square’s interactive Project Map displays up-to-date information on current and future public realm projects, business development news, and marketing and communications programming in the Pioneer Square neighborhood.
An interactive map of public and private investment in Pioneer Square, Seattle. Blue colored projects represent public investments. Green colored projects represent private investments.