Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Update – September 2014

BerthaMilepost 31 Speaker Series

Bertha and Progress on the SR 99 Tunnel Project

Seattle Tunnel Partners, the contractor hired by WSDOT to design and build the SR 99 tunnel, is working to repair the SR 99 tunneling machine. Join us to learn more about STP’s plan to resume tunneling by the end of March 2015, and learn about the other work happening to replace the viaduct.

6 – 6:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 5
Milepost 31, 211 First Ave. S., Seattle
Admission is free.


Seattle Tunnel Partners progress update: Construction of the access pit’s underground walls wraps up, preparation for dewatering begins

With fall just around the corner, we thought it was time for an update on Seattle Tunnel Partners’ progress to build the circular pit (pdf 2.5 Mb) that crews will use to access and repair the SR 99 tunneling machine.

The last time we updated you, STP announced that crews would continue to install the underground walls of the access pit through August. STP has notified WSDOT that they have completed all of the piles for the circular pit. Additional piles will be installed near the pit as part of the support system for the modular lift tower – the large crane that will hoist the machine’s 2,000-ton cutterhead and drive unit out of the ground.

Next up, dewatering wells. STP has notified us that crews will install several dewatering wells both inside the access pit and inside the enclosed area south of the access pit around the tunneling machine. Prep work is beginning now and crews should have them installed by mid-September. These wells will lower the groundwater inside the enclosed areas to make it easier to move the tunneling machine into the access pit, as well as to excavate the pit.

STP has notified us that tunneling machine operators will start Bertha in order to check internal systems in preparation for mining into the circular pit. Also, pieces of the three cranes that will be used to lift tunneling machine pieces out of the access pit are continuing to arrive from around the world. Soon you will see these pieces being assembled next to the access pit.

STP still expects to resume tunneling in March 2015. For a better view of construction, check out our time-lapse camera, or view photos of recent construction on Flickr.

Additional resources

Older, Smaller, Better Neighborhoods

Pioneer Passage Rendering

The Preservation Green Lab figured out why we love Pioneer Square: Older, smaller neighborhoods are better! The Lab studied neighborhoods around the country. Among other discoveries they found:

 1/ Older, smaller buildings provide space for a strong local economy

2/ Older business districts provide affordable, flexible space for entrepreneurs of all backgrounds

3/ The creative economy thrives in older mixed-use neighborhoods

4/ Young people love old buildings

 Join us for a discussion on the Older, Smaller, Better report and how Pioneer Square is a model of the movement to save and reinvigorate historic buildings and neighborhoods. A panel discussion will occur on Monday, September 15, 6:00-7:30pm at the Foster White Gallery, 220 3rd Ave S, Seattle. It’s part of the Design in Public festival and is free and open to the public. Hosted by Feet First. Refreshments served.

Our Panel:

  • Mark Hinshaw, FAIA, LMN Architects (Moderator)
  • Michel Powe, Ph.D, Senior Research Manager, National Trust for Historic Preservation
  • David Yeaworth, Deputy Director, Alliance for Pioneer Square
  • Lisa Quinn, Executive Director, Feet First

Hope to see you there!


David Yeaworth

Deputy Director

Alliance for Pioneer Square

Business & Community Development Update – September 2014

Kristen Honeycutt Photo Co.-039
Karen True, Director of Business Development

Kristen Honeycutt Photo Co.-038We’re still feeling the afterglow of last week’s announcement about Weyerhaeuser and 200 Occidental. What a bright spot in our future. Right now is a great time, too….

If the weekend move went as expected, the Seattle Mystery Bookshop, a beloved and sought-out Pioneer Square destination for 24 years, should be open for business today in their new location a few yards east of their former doorway. Can’t wait to see the new digs!

We’re thrilled about Seattle Magazine’s article about our growing retail scene. Of course, this is only a fraction of all-that’s-fabulous in our neighborhood. Want to see a complete list? Pick up the newest Pioneer Square Visitors Guide. You can find them all over the neighborhood, as well as in tourist brochure displays throughout the region. Pick one up and start checking out what you’ve missed. Better yet–pick up an extra, mark what you want to see, then invite a friend to the ‘hood for lunch or happy hour to explore with you!

August was busy with new openings:  Cone & Steiner, Drygoods Design, Fleurt, Pizzeria Gabbiano, and – any minute now – Quality Athletics. And E Smith Mercantile adds lunch to their menu, starting this week! Opening soon: Sprout, Clementines, and more. Stay tuned.

Amid all the fun news, there is sad news this week. Wessel & Lieberman is closing. We asked Mark for a few words and this is what he shared:

“OK, short & sweet. This is it. Seriously, we really are closing, and the end is in now in sight. Saturday September 6 will be our last open day to the public. Everything in the shop and on our website will be 70% off. We hope that you can visit – both in person and virtually – and help us dismantle this place; book by book, pamphlet by pamphlet, print by print. BYOB! We will maintain regular hours every day until the 6th. We’ll be here as early as we can, and we will stay as late as someone is still taking away books. For this last phase of the sale please use the Promotional Code: THISISIT when checking out to receive the discount on the website.”

Take a minute to stop by the shop this week to support and thank these folks for being such an important part of our neighborhood. Their entrance is in the Grand Central Building on Occidental Park.

We’re expecting lots of people in Pioneer Square this week. The NFL’s Kickoff festivities will culminate on Thursday with a free concert and the Seahawks opening game against the Green Bay Packers. (Just noticed the following on the Seahawks page: “Fans interested in near-stage seating for the concert may register online at 1iota. Access to this exclusive viewing area opportunity is first come, first served.”) On Friday, set up will begin in Occidental Mall for the 2014 Design Festival. Come on down. This is going to be a blast.

I’m keeping it short this week. The neighborhood is hopping and I want to be out there. By the way, I’m still waiting for some of those stories about our longtime Pioneer Square businesses. I really want to hear them. Remember, the coffee’s on me. Until then, I’ll watch for you in the Square!

Go Hawks!


Karen True

Director of Business Development

Alliance for Pioneer Square