Update to the Neighborhood March 2014

Kristen Honeycutt Photo Co.-021Staff

Delighted to announce new staff joining us this month. David Yeaworth, formerly staff to Seattle Councilmember Sally Clark will be joining us as the Deputy Director of the Alliance. His work will focus on the pedestrian realm and coordination across the various construction projects in the neighborhood. Liz Stenning will be returning to the Alliance to work on our subsidized parking program including developing strategies for managing the neighborhood parking supply. Both positions are being paid for by grant dollars. Please join me in welcoming them to the team.

Street Civility

Our work on street civility and public safety has picked up pace with the new administration. Two pilot projects, LEAD (law enforcement assisted diversion) and the MDT (multi-disciplinary team) will begin providing outreach and intervention (services and/or legal intervention) in Pioneer Square. These pilot projects are the result of the Center City Stakeholder process where business and human service interests working with the police and prosecutors ensured funding for all of downtown. We are developing a system for social referral from neighborhood stakeholders; we will be looking for all neighborhood members to assist with referrals.


The International Sustainability Institute received federal funding to re-surface Nord Alley. We have been partnering on a master plan in the design for alley resurfacing and there is already money to finish one alley. We also received city funding to get the medians south of King Street lit and to repair all the broken light pole panels across the neighborhood. This is in addition to the funding for curb cuts, crosswalk painting, and tree trimming that has been occurring the past few months.


Stay tuned, there will be many opportunities to become informed and involved. Thanks for your support and see you in the neighborhood.


Leslie Smith

Alliance for Pioneer Square

Executive Director

Milepost 31 Speakers Series – Bertha and Progress on the SR 99 Tunnel Project

BerthaYou’ve been hearing a lot lately about WSDOT’s efforts to replace the State Route 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct (AWV). This is a big, complex undertaking. And as we all know, we’ve encountered some challenges. Join Matt Preedy, AWV Deputy Program Administrator, as he explains how WSDOT and STP are addressing these challenges and what the plan is to get Bertha, the SR 99 tunneling machine, moving again.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

6 to 6:30 p.m.

Milepost 31

211 First Ave. S. Seattle

Admission is free.

After the talk, be sure to leave enough time to explore the rest of the First Thursday Art Walk in Pioneer Square. Milepost 31 is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and stays open until 8 p.m. on First Thursdays.  Free parking is available for First Thursday art walk patrons in Pioneer Square. Please visit www.FirstThursdaySeattle.com for more information about participating garages.

And don’t forget you can find regular updates about Bertha on Twitter by following @BerthaDigsSR99.

Seattle City Light Increasing Electrical Capacity Along 1st Avenue


Updated Information: Seattle City Light plans to pull in new underground power lines along 1st Avenue from King Street to Washington Street on Wednesday, February 26 and then from Washington Street to Cherry Street on Wednesday, March 5. We want you to know about the work and its impacts.

What:                  Several-day job, pulling and splicing cable

Why:                    Upgrading our system to increase electrical capacity and reliability

Where:               Vaults located in parking lane on west side of First Avenue from King Street to Washington Street and from Washington Street to Cherry Street. See maps on reverse side.

When:                 Pulling cable between King Street to Washington Street is planned for Wednesday, February 26 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Pulling cable between Washington Street to Cherry Street is planned for Wednesday, March 5 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.


Project Impacts – What you can expect:

  • No planned outages or trenching
  • City Light trucks on the street, crews working from vault to vault
  • Splicing cable has limited impacts to traffic and parking and will take place on side streets following the two nights of cable pulling.
  • Localized traffic, parking, and noise  impacts at the vaults where the work is occurring
  • Uniform police officers will direct traffic


No parking signs will be used for the spaces near the vaults where work is to occur. The signs will give the hours of our work and will be picked up as the work progresses if crews no longer need access to an area.  For more information about available parking in the area, please go to:  http://downtownseattle.com/parking/index.html


Thank you for your patience.  For any questions you may have or for more information, contact Becky Ginn, Electrical Service Representative, at 206-386-1553 or rebecca.ginn@seattle.gov.