Public Realm Perspective

Meet Liz:

Pioneer Square has an unprecedented number of projects impacting the public realm: reclaiming alleys, redesigning streets and parks, fixing curbs and medians, waterfront, parking, and bike lanes. All this and more are all-in-a-day’s work for Liz Stenning, our Deputy Director. A friendly and familiar face in the neighborhood, Liz is all about ongoing improvements to our public realm from curb cuts to crosswalks.

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Executive Director Energy

Meet Lisa:

Lisa has worn many hats on behalf of Pioneer Square. In her current role as Executive Director of the Alliance, she leads a collaborative team focused on business development, advocacy, marketing and public realm improvements. Lisa uses her strong relationships with city leaders and key organizations to advocate for the neighborhood and the issues that impact Pioneer Square at the city, county, and state levels. She tackles everything from long term goals and planning to every day issues.

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Project and Investment Maps

Project Map

The Alliance for Pioneer Square’s interactive Project Map displays up-to-date information on current and future public realm projects, business development news, and marketing and communications programming in the Pioneer Square neighborhood.

Public and Private Investment Map

An interactive map of public and private investment in Pioneer Square, Seattle. Blue colored projects represent public investments. Green colored projects represent private investments.