Public Realm Perspective

Meet Liz:

Pioneer Square has an unprecedented number of projects impacting the public realm: reclaiming alleys, redesigning streets and parks, fixing curbs and medians, waterfront, parking, and bike lanes. All this and more are all-in-a-day’s work for Liz Stenning, our Public Realm Director. A friendly and familiar face in the neighborhood, Liz is all about ongoing improvements to our public realm from curb cuts to crosswalks.

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Karen’s Corner

Meet Karen:

Karen True is the Director of Business Development for the Alliance for Pioneer Square. In our neighborhood, her approach to business development is the secret sauce. Part retail recruitment, part matchmaker, full-time community builder.

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11th Annual Spring Clean Announced

Join us for Pioneer Square’s Annual Spring Clean!

Volunteers come to Pioneer Square to remove graffiti, pick up litter, weed tree wells, stencil storm drains, mulch street medians, and plant pallet gardens for the neighborhood.

WHERE: Meet at Occidental Square Park 
                 in historic Pioneer Square, Seattle
                 (117 S Washington St)
WHEN: Saturday, April 27th, 2019
               Check-in: 8:30am 
               Cleanup activities: 9:00am – 12:00pm


The Spring Clean is part of our ongoing mission to better Pioneer Square through advocacy, programming, marketing, and community action. Learn more about us at and stay up to date on the neighborhood at