Community & Business Development Update – March 2014

Kristen-Honeycutt-Photo-Co_karensquare_smallJust sayin’…

Last week we heard from folks around the ‘hood who were thrilled to hear about Good Bar, the new venture by the owners of Marination Station, coming soon to the Pacific Commercial Building. We couldn’t be more excited and can’t wait to see that corner of the neighborhood come to life! (However, may we point out that we already announced Good Bar in last month’s newsletter? Our feelings are a little hurt, loyal readers.)

The newest London Plane is open and it’s a stunner. (Check out these pictures from a recent Eater post.) The food is, as you would expect, extraordinary. The retail side of things is a truly beautiful experience. And the flowers…….oh, the flowers…..

More BIG news and collaborations at Stadium Place… Cone & Steiner announced that they are opening a neighborhood market! Partners Josh Henderson (owner of Skillet & Quality Athletics), Dani Cone (owner of Fuel Coffee and High 5 Pie), and Retrofit Home owners Jon Milazzo and Lori Pomeranz plan to open their doors this fall. (Read more here.)  As if that wasn’t enough great news on S King Street, Jon and Lori announced that they will also be opening a Retrofit Home! Residents at The Nolo must be doing the happy dance, but this is great news for the entire neighborhood.

Reports from the Laika Lounge (co-branded with Trabant Coffee) grand opening last weekend were glowing. Though you may have missed that party, you can still get in on Chef Joseph Bollag’s special pre fixe Russian menu to be offered on March 15-16. Or just stop by after work to introduce yourself to Tatiana and the gang. Tatiana shared a little more about their vision. “Trabant is still in the same place; this is just an evolution. In addition to our menu of coffee, chai, and other beverages, we’ve added a fresh, local approach to Russian food and craft cocktails, making us more of a European style cafe. We’ve branded the food and cocktails side Laika Lounge. Trabant means ‘satellite’ in German and Laika (a Russian dog) was the first space traveler, so they fit hand in hand.”

Finally, we can announce that Damn the Weather will be opening in the space next to the New Orleans Creole Restaurant. Pioneer Square resident, Bryn Lumsden, has been working to make this place a reality for a long time. The paper should be off the windows for both places this spring.  Work is also underway at the future Taylor Shellfish and Intermezzo. But you already knew about those, right?

The days are longer and warmer. Get out there and see what’s happening in your neighborhood!


Karen True

Alliance for Pioneer Square

Business Development Director

Community & Business Development Update – February 2014

Kristen Honeycutt Photo Co.-039This week it’s all about the Seahawks, as it should be. Yet there’s more to look forward to in Pioneer Square in the weeks and months to come…

Taylor Shellfish signed the lease for a new space in the Washington Shoe Building, a few doors south of Rain Shadow Meats. Many chefs and restaurateurs have been eyeing this space and we couldn’t be more thrilled that Taylor Shellfish snapped it up. We’ll keep you posted as plans unfold.

Dean Haugen, owner of The New Orleans Creole Restaurant, is now in the midst of a major renovation that will make the space sparkle as it did when Ray Charles and his buddies were the main acts. They’ll be consolidating The New Orleans into half the space with a new bar, stage, kitchen, and bathrooms. And the menu will be fabulous.

The second part of the good news happening behind the papered windows of The New Orleans will be the opening of a “historic hangout, adventurous bar and kitchen”. Can’t tell you more just yet, but it’s going to be amazing. Stay tuned for details.

More good news from the Pacific Commercial Building at 2nd Ave S & S Washington. The Good Bar will focus on classic cocktails. Details about the menu, concept, and everything else will be available soon. Be assured it’s going to be something special. The owners have proven their prowess with another popular Seattle business, so we know it will indeed be something special.

Little Uncle announced that they will be rolling out “Peeks Pantry”, PK’s line of condiments, sauces, and curry pastes. You’ll be able to buy red curry paste, dry roasted chilies, bun jam, and khao mun gai sauce for your own pantry at Little Uncle within the next couple of weeks.

Won’t be long now. Can’t wait for the opening of the newest addition to London Plane. And Trabant Coffee and Chai is getting closer to opening Laika Lounge – they just passed the liquor board inspection!

Finally, welcome to e-cig express on 1st Ave S.

See you at the parade!


Karen True

Director of Business Development

Alliance for Pioneer Square