Seattle Neighborhood Summit

Saturday, April 5th, 9 am to 1 pm, Seattle Center Pavilion Room
Saturday, April 5th, 9 am to 1 pm, Seattle Center Exhibition Hall

Update: The Neighborhood Summit has been moved from the Seattle Center Pavilion Room to the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall to accommodate more participants. Please update your plans.

As part of his first 100 days in office, Mayor Ed Murray is holding a Neighborhood Summit at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall on Saturday, April 5th, 9 am to 1 pm. Neighborhood community leaders and members are invited to come and discuss how the City of Seattle can improve the way it works with neighborhoods.

“I want to build strong relationships with the leaders of these neighborhoods and community members and keep an open dialogue as well as build an administration where no one has to ask for a space at the table,” says Murray.

The City is offering other ways to get involved with the summit if you are not able to attend. Fill out the online survey and let the mayor know what’s important to your neighborhood. During the event, social media and technology is planned to reach audiences outside of the summit forum.

Annual Update to Neighborhood Stakeholders with Mayor Mike McGinn

2013 Update to Neighborhood Stakeholders with Mayor Mike McGinnOn March 18, 2013 at HUB Seattle, the Alliance for Pioneer Square led a public discussion with Mayor Mike McGinn about current neighborhood conditions. Since the Pioneer Square Commercial District Revitalization Project started in 2010, the mayor has updated neighborhood stakeholders once a year. See below for highlights about the public meeting and click here to download the latest report.

The New Pioneer Square – “Pioneer Square Revitalization 2013 Update”

Office of Economic Development’s Bottom Line – “Pioneer Square Revitalization 2013 Update”

Department of Planning and Development’s Building Connections – “Pioneer Square Economic Development Report”

In 2009, members of the Pioneer Square business community met over six months to discuss priorities and actions needed to create a vibrant and robust commercial business district. The document that came out of that stakeholder process was the Pioneer Square 2015 Neighborhood Plan. The Alliance for Pioneer Square launched in June 2010 to lead implementation of the Neighborhood Plan, which outlines a set of actionable Community and City strategies to address key issues in the neighborhood. See the Office of Economic Development’s page for more on the Pioneer Square Commercial District Revitalization Initiative process.

Update to the Neighborhood – March 2013

Leslie Smith, Executive Director of the Alliance for Pioneer SquareTwo Things this Month

Changes to the Pioneer Square BIA

A goal critical to the future of the Alliance and the neighborhood… aligning the Pioneer Square BIA with the Historic District boundary was originally articulated in the Pioneer Square 2015 neighborhood plan. After many months of work the BIA Ratepayer Board and the Alliance for Pioneer Square are ready to make this happen. Comprehensive outreach for petition signing will begin in the next few weeks with a goal of having an expanded BIA in place in January of 2014.

Interested in learning the details and impact on your business? Interested in hosting a gathering for neighboring businesses or helping in other ways? Please contact leslie[at]

Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) are special assessment districts, or “self help mechanisms” whereby business owners choose to assess themselves to revitalize and enhance neighborhood business districts. The oldest BIA within the City of Seattle, the Pioneer Square BIA was formed as a local business community effort to remain competitive in the marketplace. The legal authority for the establishment and management of BIAs is set forth in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 35.87A and Seattle City Ordinance 111244.

Annual Update to Stakeholders

Mark your calendar for Monday, March 18th 4:30 to 6:30 pm at HubSeattle, 220 2nd Ave South, (Masin’s Furniture Building). Want to know more about what is going on? Want to talk to the Mayor or other city officials about Pioneer Square?

You are invited to join Mayor Mike McGinn and the Alliance for Pioneer Square for an update to the neighborhood. Please plan on attending the open house to learn about the numerous projects going on around the neighborhood and hear about progress on goals to date.

Hope to see you there!


P.S. While reservations are not required, for planning purposes would you let us know if you will be attending? Email to RSVP.


Leslie Smith

Executive Director

Alliance for Pioneer Square