Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Update – February 2014

BerthaIt’s been a busy start to 2014 with the opening of the South Atlantic Street overpass and crews working to get Bertha, the SR 99 tunneling machine, digging again.  Here’s a recap of what we’ve been up to:

Milepost 31 Speaker Series: Learn about the South Atlantic Street overpass
On Monday, Jan. 27, we opened a new overpass to the west of Seattle’s stadiums, just south of Pioneer Square. The overpass allows traffic to bypass a busy railroad track that crosses South Atlantic Street. Before the overpass, train activity often blocked traffic for extended periods, which not only slowed truckers traveling to and from the Port of Seattle, but also created backups that stretched onto Seattle streets and Interstate 90. The overpass saves truckers as much as 20 minutes of travel time between the port and I-5 or I-90.

Visit Milepost 31 between 6 and 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 6 to talk to staff about how the structure is changing traffic patterns in the area. Read more about the overpass here.

Further evaluation required before tunneling can resume
On Tuesday, Jan. 28, Seattle Tunnel Partners (STP) pushed the SR 99 tunneling machine – which had been stopped since Dec. 6 – forward approximately 2 feet. Moving the machine forward allowed crews to further test the functionality of the machine and determine if they could resume full-production mining. It also created sufficient space to build the next concrete tunnel liner ring on Wednesday, Jan. 29.

When the machine moved forward, crews saw indications of above-normal temperature readings in part of the machinery, similar to readings encountered before crews initially decided to stop mining on Dec. 6. On Wednesday, STP made adjustments and mined an additional 2 feet. The above-normal temperatures persisted, and STP made the decision to stop and perform further evaluations.

STP crews and tunnel engineers are operating the world’s largest tunneling machine in complex conditions. Although their investigations to date have provided a great deal of information, we will not be able to definitively identify the issue or issues facing the machine until tunneling experts complete their review. We will provide additional information as it becomes available.

Please visit our webpage for regular updates.

Update to the Neighborhood – February 2014

Kristen Honeycutt Photo Co.-011Seattle is off to a great start in 2014! A big congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks on their win. It’s been fun seeing signs of the 12th man in and around the neighborhood over the last couple of weeks – from Daniel’s Development’s massive lit up “12” in the North Lot to some pretty nifty work with sticky notes on the corner of 1st Ave & Cherry Street, Pioneer Square has been showing its pride. Tomorrow’s parade will be a great celebration and we are looking forward to seeing so many fans in Pioneer Square. We hope this is just the beginning for an exciting, fun-filled year here in the neighborhood!


Lisa Dixon

Director of Marketing and Communications

Alliance for Pioneer Square

Community & Business Development Update – February 2014

Kristen Honeycutt Photo Co.-039This week it’s all about the Seahawks, as it should be. Yet there’s more to look forward to in Pioneer Square in the weeks and months to come…

Taylor Shellfish signed the lease for a new space in the Washington Shoe Building, a few doors south of Rain Shadow Meats. Many chefs and restaurateurs have been eyeing this space and we couldn’t be more thrilled that Taylor Shellfish snapped it up. We’ll keep you posted as plans unfold.

Dean Haugen, owner of The New Orleans Creole Restaurant, is now in the midst of a major renovation that will make the space sparkle as it did when Ray Charles and his buddies were the main acts. They’ll be consolidating The New Orleans into half the space with a new bar, stage, kitchen, and bathrooms. And the menu will be fabulous.

The second part of the good news happening behind the papered windows of The New Orleans will be the opening of a “historic hangout, adventurous bar and kitchen”. Can’t tell you more just yet, but it’s going to be amazing. Stay tuned for details.

More good news from the Pacific Commercial Building at 2nd Ave S & S Washington. The Good Bar will focus on classic cocktails. Details about the menu, concept, and everything else will be available soon. Be assured it’s going to be something special. The owners have proven their prowess with another popular Seattle business, so we know it will indeed be something special.

Little Uncle announced that they will be rolling out “Peeks Pantry”, PK’s line of condiments, sauces, and curry pastes. You’ll be able to buy red curry paste, dry roasted chilies, bun jam, and khao mun gai sauce for your own pantry at Little Uncle within the next couple of weeks.

Won’t be long now. Can’t wait for the opening of the newest addition to London Plane. And Trabant Coffee and Chai is getting closer to opening Laika Lounge – they just passed the liquor board inspection!

Finally, welcome to e-cig express on 1st Ave S.

See you at the parade!


Karen True

Director of Business Development

Alliance for Pioneer Square