North Lot Development

The neighborhood is growing! Daniels Real Estate, LLC led by design firm ZGF Architects is improving the north surface lot of the stadium properties into the largest transit oriented development in the Pacific Northwest.  The mixed use project, Stadium Place, will create 1.5 million square feet of new space in Pioneer Square. The project will bring 700 units of market rate housing and 100 units of workforce housing to the neighborhood, unique mix of retail, a convention hotel, and office space.

One of the major initiatives of The Alliance for Pioneer Square’s Neighborhood Action Plan is to increase residential density and to support sustainable growth found in projects like Stadium Place.  The addition of new residents will energize the retail, cultural, and economic vitality of the historic district.  Building on the concept of “idea-rich clusters in and around urban centers,” Daniels Real Estate highlights the significance of the context of Stadium Place in Seattle and Pioneer Square:

These centers are incubators of innovation and growth because they provide the type of close proximity, diversity of experience, and living amenities that are crucial for the sharing of public services, business support services, skilled employees, and knowledge spillover.

– Daniels Real Estate LLC – Economic Value of North Lot 07-13-2011.

We are excited to have new neighbors and eager to experience the sustainable and compatible new construction project in the coming years. For more information visit the North Lot Project page: