Give Feedback on First Avenue Streetcar

Streetcar at Jackson & OccidentalIf you missed the Center City Connector Open House on October 29th, you can still learn about the options and provide feedback online. The goal of the Connector is to connect the South Lake Union and First Hill streetcars through downtown, to make it easier for more people to get north-south. SDOT has honed in on a streetcar along 1st Avenue, connecting Jackson Street to Westlake. They are now looking at operating details – this streetcar could share a lane with traffic, or run in its own lane. Each option has its trade-offs.

For more details on the options you can read about them here. To send your input, take the survey here.

Do you think the streetcar should have its own lane? Or should the streetcar be mixed in with traffic? The purpose of this survey is to get feedback on which option you prefer and why. It should take about 10 minutes to complete. Thanks for sharing your ideas! Your comments will help inform a final recommendation that staff will make to the Mayor and City Council in late 2013/early 2014. You can learn more about the project background and the analysis leading up to this point at

Community input needed on proposed police reforms

Seattle Police DepartmentCommunity Police Commission invites community input on proposed reforms

The Community Police Commission (CPC) needs your help to create a stronger, safer and more connected community.

On September 20, the CPC issued draft policy recommendations for public review. These recommendations are in the areas of bias-free policing, stops and detentions, and in-car video recordings. The CPC is also seeking public comment on the Seattle Police Department’s proposed use of force policy. The CPC must issue a report with its final policy recommendations in these areas on November 15.

Public meetings are being held during October with Seattle residents to get their perspectives about SPD and to gather their thoughts on the CPC recommendations. Many of these meetings are being arranged to ensure we reach those community members most impacted by police practices.

All Seattle residents have a stake in better policing. We hope you will attend a scheduled meeting or offer your views online.


How to participate

Share your thoughts on improving police services in Seattle by taking our online survey! Please forward this message and survey link to interested friends, neighbors and community members so their voice may also be heard.

To learn more, go online to our website at

  • Find information about CPC meetings which are open to the public and review meeting minutes.

You can sign-up for our listserv, ask CPC representatives to meet with your group, or offer ideas for how we can better reach community members by calling 206-233-2664 or emailing


Upcoming community events

Meetings and small group discussions have been arranged by a range of community organizations. You are welcome to attend. Here are some of the meetings coming up:

  • Oct 16, 7:30pm, Delridge District Council meeting, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW
  • Oct 21, 6:00pm, LGBTQ Allyship community forum, Southside Commons, 3518 S Edmunds Street (Please RSVP to
  • Oct 23, 6:45 pm, Duwamish District Council, Georgetown City Hall, 6202 13th Ave South
  • Oct 23, 7:30 pm, Southeast District Council, Rainier Community Center, 4600 38th Ave South

State Senate Transportation Listening Tour

Photo credit DSA

The Washington State Senate is on a listening tour to hear constituents’ thoughts on transit funding. When legislators arrive in Seattle on Monday, October 14th, be there to show support or testify on how transit funding is critical to our city and state’s economic health.

What: State Senate transportation listening tour
When: October 14, 2013, 6pm-9pm
Where: First Presbyterian Church, 1013 8th Avenue, Seattle
Cost: Free
RSVP: Click here so we have an estimate of the number of people attending

Action Requested:

Attend the October 14 listening tour and urge lawmakers to find a transit funding solution. Consider including the following points in your message:

  • Sustainable transit and road funding is critical for both employers and employees
  • King County has 30 percent of the state’s population, 40 percent of its jobs and half of its payroll
  • 17% cuts to transit will affect 7 out of every 10 transit riders and make it harder to get to work
  • But this is not just a King County problem; failure to pass HB 1954 will put our state at a competitive disadvantage

Or, if you cannot attend, please take a moment to share your thoughts on transit funding online, by clicking here.


This information was originally drafted by Downtown Seattle Association. Find more information about this news from Downtown Seattle Association here.