ED Talks COVID-19, Alliance Response Strategy and Pioneer Square Resilience

Meet Lisa:

Lisa is the Executive Director at the Alliance for Pioneer Square, leading the Alliance team’s collaborative efforts and response strategy to the ongoing public health crisis. As events have continued to unfold over the last few months, Lisa has continued to advocate for the neighborhood and the issues that impact Pioneer Square at the city, county, and state levels. 

Pioneer Square COVID-19 Response Plan

The Alliance for Pioneer Square is working relentlessly to provide guidance and support to the Pioneer Square community and continues to work to ensure recovery for the historic district. Before the pandemic hit, the Alliance was dedicated to help preserve what makes Pioneer Square the most authentic, engaging and dynamic neighborhood in Seattle, by effectively implementing programs in the following areas: business development, communications and marketing, advocacy, public realm, and leadership. 

“Our mission is still true today,” Lisa states, “Pioneer Square was built on grit and intention – over time people here have demonstrated their ability to face challenges head on and overcome adversity. 2020 is no different. The resiliency and response we have seen since COVID-19 hit is apparent across industries and stakeholders in Pioneer Square.”

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Marketing Videos Made Simple: A Quick Start Guide for Small Businesses

On Thursday, April 16th, the Alliance for Pioneer Square hosted a one hour workshop in partnership with Merchant Method, aimed at providing a video marketing toolkit for businesses in Pioneer Square. The presentation covered a wide range of topics which included, how to get started with video marketing, planning and creating content for your video’s and how to market and create engagement for them once they are published.

Businesses and individuals who were unable to attend the live-streaming of this workshop can access a recording of the the presentation here. Merchant Method will continue to monitor this video for comments, so business owners are welcome to engage with the video and ask questions or provide any feedback. Merchant Method has also provided some additional training resources which can be downloaded here to further assist businesses as they scale up their video marketing efforts.